What specific transition planning do you offer for military families?

RHS has a designated guidance counselor who works with military families as they transition to Bay County and Rutherford. Our Military Transition Counselor (MTC) actively recruits incoming families into our advanced academic program and serves as our International Baccalaureate (IB) professional school counselor.

Military Point of Contact - Candace Leebrick - leebrcm@bay.k12.fl.us - 850-767-4513

What specific academic planning do you offer for military families?

We consider our transitioning military families as ideal candidates for our advanced academic program as our MTC actively recruits our military families into our IB program.


What resources and educational opportunities do you offer for military children?

In grades 6-8 we are in development for our Middle Years Program (MYP), which is the middle school equivalent to the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. In grades 9-10 we offer Career and Technical Educational (CTE) coursework; particularly in the fields of Agriculture, Culinary, Construction, and JROTC. Moreover, 9-10th graders can begin coursework in the Pre-IB program, as the Diploma program begins the Junior year of high school. In grades 11-12, students can participate in IB coursework as they seek to earn the IB Diploma upon graduation. Finally, all 9-12th grade students have access to the newly authorized IB Career Program (CP), which is an advanced academic pathway that combines CTE and IB coursework as students seek to earn college credit in their chosen career field of study.

Tell us about your student-led transition team

We have submitted an application to have an Anchored for Life club to be housed on campus and are awaiting authorization. Currently, we host campus visitors regularly to provide tours, shadow days, and preview lunches for any potential transitioning military families. These visits are regularly student-led and hosted by our Rutherford SGA and Student Leadership Council.

What supports do you offer for military ESE children?

We provide all ESE students on our campus with the services and accommodations required by law in every student individualized education plan (IEP). At Rutherford, we seek to offer a vast array of services to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Various services may include, but are not limited to, one-on-one paraprofessional services, ESE Learning Labs, ESE case management, and support facilitation in full inclusion classrooms.

What military recognition events do you have planned?

Having our Air Force JROTC program on campus, RHS is constantly planning for and recognizing the service of our military and their families. We participate in Purple-Up Day, the Military Showcase at Tyndall Air Force Base (TAFB), Orientation Flights with the Civil Air Patrol, Veterans Day Recognition, Annual 9/11 Memorial Service, and the Annual BDS Military Graduation Ceremony; just to name a few.

How do military children access mental health services on your campus?

All Rutherford students have access to the full slate of mental health services provided by Bay District Schools; to include a dedicated professional school counselor, daily interaction with the RHS Student Wellness Team (TRIAD), multiple school-based student support care managers, access to the BDS Student Wellness Team, and access to local community mental health organizations through our community of care referral system.

OCSD Resources

BDS Resources for Military Families

The Bay District Schools website has a detailed list of Military Family Resources and Educational Opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.

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